Declare his glory among the nations, His marvelous works among all the peoples. --Psalm 96:3

The Psalmist, David, delighted in declaring who God was to him song. These nine banners are really flags and battle standards, designed to be carried on horseback while making their declarations in heavenly places.

The spear atop each banner represents the power of proclamation to pierce heavenly realms with the truth of GOd's sovereignty.

The scroll containing the scripture reference reminds us that these ensigns carry the Word of God.

The Lord is:

my King and my God
Psalm 84:3

my Portion and my Cup
Psalm 16:5
my Strong Deliverer
Psalm 140:7

my Rock and my Redeemer
Psalm 19:14
my Light and my Salvation
Psalm 27:1
my Strength and my Song
Psalm 118:14

my Joy and my Delight
Psalm 43:4

a Sun and a Shield
Psalm 84:11

my Refuge and my Fortress
Psalm 91:2

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