A thanksgiving proclamati...
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This is worth a read. Its an updated thanksgiving proclamation modeled after the ones given by George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Constructed by Dutch Sheets, and published in his series of Give Him 15 daily posts. May it bless you on this Thanksgiving Day. Consider proclaiming it with your family.
"Gracious Father, we in this blessed nation give You thanks today. America was Your idea. You had in Your heart to form a nation of nations - numerous Native American nations, Asians, Europeans, Africans, Latinos and more. Though the journey and process has at times been painful, even evil, due to our selfishness and rebellion, Your sovereign power overrode our flaws and formed the United States of America. And we thank You.
We are well aware that forming America was not just for our benefit but, like Abraham of old, was a covenantal partnership for the purpose of redeeming the world from sin and it’s curse. We are honored beyond words to be part of this plan and agree with the words of Robert Hunt at Cape Henry in 1607: the gospel of the kingdom will go forth from these shores, not only to this land, but to all the nations of the earth.
We thank You for preserving us in times of war, disease, sin, and chaos. In the war of our birth, we were saved through an appeal to Heaven; in the horrible Civil War, You preserved us through incredible bitterness and the loss of over half a million soldiers - sons, husbands, fathers, brothers; in two world wars, You preserved us from evil, demonized despots intent on ruling the world. Through all the trials and all the years, You have been faithful.
We thank You for the incredible prosperity we have enjoyed due to our partnership with You. Though some try to convince our people You had nothing to do with this, that America does not need Your gracious hand of blessing, we know this is untrue. Unless You build the house, the laborers work in vain; unless You protect the city, the watchman wakes in vain. You have blessed this nation - of You, through You, and to You are all things. Thank You, gracious and beneficent God!
And we thank You today for our Savior, the Messiah, Christ Jesus. Son of God/Son of Man, thank You for Your sacrifice in becoming a member of the human race. Thank You for discovering what hunger feels like, for experiencing the pain of a loved one’s death, of rejection and betrayal. Thank You for walking dusty roads to heal diseased bodies, taking detours to redeem thirsty hearts, spending sleepless nights praying over Your assignment. Thank you for exposing the futility of religion, the evil of pride and the power of love. Thank You for revealing the Father to us again, and making a way for us to find and reconnect with Him as our Abba. Thank You for paying such a high price for this: the beatings and lashing, Gethsemane, the mocking, the crown of thorns, the wrath of Hell, the hideous cross. Thank You.
And gracious Father, wonderful Savior, and blessed Holy Spirit, though we as a nation have dishonored You, rejected You and mocked You, Your love endures. Though we have worshiped idols, embraced false religions, shed innocent blood, defiled Your marriage covenant and expelled You from our schools, causing our children to reject You, Your mercies endure. Though our government, in pride, deception, and rebellion, has risen up against You, rewritten Your laws, legislated murder and immorality, and has determined that You are no longer welcome in their functions and procedures - You have demonstrated amazing patience. And though the church should be Your instrument of preservation from these ills, she has grown lukewarm, complacent, and ineffective. Yet, in spite of these and many more evils, You have said You are coming to save us again. You have promised to renew our purpose and destiny, healing our brokenness and returning our hearts to You and one another. Our prodigals are coming home, a lost generation is being found by You, the fire of passion is returning to the church, millions will be saved, and America will be reformed. We will once again become a powerful voice of the gospel of the kingdom throughout the earth, partnering with You through the power of Holy Spirit. For this we give You thanks, Yahweh."

A current source for glitzy fabrics
featuring lames, sequin, organzas and brocades
They are getting harder to find. Jo-Anne is about the only fabric store remaining in my area that carries these types of fabrics. I have had to find online sources. There are some sellers on Ebay that I have used.

First part originally posted Jan 3, 2021 (topic was accidentally deleted)
We have changed webhosts and are now self-hosting our forum on a new software. (MyBB)
We have decorated the place to feel like home, although there will be some changes just because the software is different.
If you were a member previously, your account is still here. However, you will need to recover your password through the "forgot password" link on the login page. If that is unsuccessful because you no longer have access the email account on file here, please use the contact form to let us know your new email so that you can receive the password reset link.
There are still things to fix and transfer projects from the old forums to complete, so if you see a problem, please use this topic to let us know so we can take care of it. Smile
---------November 19, 2021--------------
Forgive the months long hiatus, information is finally tranferring and our links will start bringing you here instead of to the Tapatalk version of the forum. Selfhosting ZionFireFriends gives us complete control of this webspace. This is a good thing.
Unfortunately some things did not transfer with the move:
avatars and signature images
We were able to retrieve a file of the thread attachments, so they still exist. I'll be gradually reviewing important content and adding the corresponding images back to them. If you see an edit by me noted in your post, its likely that I had remove some dangling XML code that got deposited in the transfer.
thread views are replaced with some arbitrary numbers and are not accurate

My small dance team at my church is an extension of our ZionFire ministry, and we gathered together this summer to do a presentation in honor of our bishops consecration anniversary. A number of "God-incidences" confirmed that it was a divine inspiration for the timing and the choice of this piece. Even the makeup of the team was providential. Two of the dancers are sisters, and one is a foreign exchanged student who danced with us for a year when she was staying with the sisters' family several years ago. She was in town only for that one Sunday we did the piece! It was a joy to be able to include her in our team for this special event.
We chose a piece that celebrates the Good Shepherd, and interpreted it in a garment suggestive of a shepherd's garb and a staff. The staff was used to audibly proclaim statements about taking the territory, guarding the boundaries, and put the enemy on notice that the Good Shepherd is on guard over his flock of sheep.
The piece is John Michael Talbot's "One Faith". Interestingly, the bishop had been preaching a series of sermons on the Creed, so this piece was especially appropriate as it is an interpretation of that foundational declaration.
Video was taken on a phone camera. Amazing little devices those are!

I have recently been asked to provide some prayer cloths for the healing prayer ministry at our church. A prayer cloth, for those unfamiliar, is a bit of cloth given to the person in need used a touch point for healing. The biblical precedent for this kingdom symbol is the passage in Acts where it is reported that Paul's handkerchief was taken to the sick and that the healing anointing carried by it was able to transfer healing virtue to the sick and they were made well.
As I pondered and prayed about The design, it came to me that the tallit or prayer shawl would be an appropriate design to base the prayer cloth on. I came up with a design that suggested the stripes and bonnet of a traditional tallit design, and added one knotted cord to a corner. Our bishop often speaks about faith in God as "pulling on the cord of hope". These prayer shawls have a literal chord that can be that touchpoint for the person it is given to
The cloths are 4x7 inches and are decorated with colored ribbon. The "bonnet" ribbon is white and a special scripture verse could be written there that prophesies God's healing intent for the receiver.
Many of the white linen cloths were made with the familiar royal blue stripes, but some were made with embroidered ribbons and some with fabric that was purchases in the Old City in Jerusalem.
The prayer cloths are now in service, but the next time I make some, I'll take a picture and post it here for you.

In the near future, the ZFF messageboard platform will be transitioning to Tapatalk groups, as ZetaBoards is ending.
I'll do my best to make it look like home so it won't be a big shock.
The main difference you will notice first is that you have to log in again and establish new cookies. All your posts and PMs should remain, and your login-credentials will be the same.
Any bookmarked links you have to the forum will redirect, so they should all still work as well.
Tapatalk groups have built in mobile functionality, so some of you may like it even better.
So we are soon off to a new adventure in these forums and we'll see how it goes.